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Group Conscience Meeting Guiding Principles

“Our leaders are but trusted servants, they do not govern”

Group conscience meetings are an expression of the will and conviction of the group as a whole. No one should control the meeting or railroad the group into any direction, no matter how important it is or how strongly one person feels about it. Everyone should have their voice heard, and decision making must be done as a group.

Adherence to the 12 traditions and concepts keep groups alive and free from domination by strong personalities or outside influences. The 12 traditions and concepts should be the guiding principles for all group decisions because they protect both the group and the individuals making up the group.



General Group Guidelines


Prudent Reserve - $350

Rent - $25 per month


Chairing Meetings

Meeting format (going around the room, random shares, topic cards etc) is up to the chair.

Chairs should keep the meeting going limiting shares to a reasonable time depending on the number of people present.

Chairs should be respectful of those present.

Only the chair and two trusted servants may have keys.




Moment of Silence

Read Declaration of Unity

Approve Previous Minutes

Treasurer’s Report

GSR Report

Intergroup Report

Website Report

Recovery Expansion Project Report

Old Business

New Business



General Group Guidelines


Anyone is a member when they say they are.

Long standing membership is defined as regularly attending meetings (at least 4 meetings online or in person in the last two months).

If any member has an issue with the group or its policies, they are permitted and encouraged to present their issue to the group and work it out together without fear of redress.


Quorum – At least 5 long standing group members present at the business meeting

All members are allowed to vote except the chair as the chair has the greatest potential for swaying the vote, be it from personality or limiting the discussion.

Necessary to pass general motions – Simple majority

Necessary to make changes to meeting, business meeting format, financial format or any major change – ⅔ majority + 3 officers must be present. Such changes should be announced at our meetings until the next business meeting.

As agnostic friendly groups have occasionally been shanghaied by outside influences, a sanity check may be necessary when making big changes. If an outside group comes to the business meeting with plans to change the nature of the group, such decisions are void and not binding.


During free discussion, anyone may ask the chair to speak.

Speakers take turns speaking for a maximum of 2 minutes at a time. Speakers should be adding new ideas to the conversation (saying I agree, this is a good idea, this is a bad idea, etc without presenting a new idea should be limited).

It is up to the chair to maintain order and keep the flow of the meeting going, so they may need to limit sharing if it becomes unproductive or table the topic for the next meeting if more information is necessary.


Motions are written down and then read aloud. Motions must be seconded before discussion can take place.

Discussion on motions is not free discussion. The motion maker can explain the motion and its benefits. If there is opposition, 1 person who is in opposition may make a point. If there is a rebuttal to the opposition, 1 person may make a rebuttal. The chair may then chose to continue discussion or bring it to a vote.

If a member feels the chair is being hasty in bringing the motion to a vote, they may ask the group to vote on continuing discussion with simple majority in favor continuing the discussion.

Once motions are passed they are recorded in the notes for the meeting. Notes are always available for checking and can be emailed out to members at will.



Trusted Servants

Chair – 1 year commitment

Definition of duties – The chair maintains the flow of the business meeting and keeps the notes. If maintaining the flow becomes challenging, the chair may ask someone to keep the notes.

Time requirement – 1 year


GSR – 1 year commitment

Definition of duties – The GSR goes to area service meetings to represent the group.

Time requirement – 1 year


Alternate GSR – 1 year commitment

Definition of duties – The alternate goes in place of the GSR if the GSR can’t make it.

Time requirement – 6 months


Treasurer – 1-2 year commitment

Definition of duties – The treasurer will keep track of the money, pay the rent, buy the supplies for the group as needed, maintain the bank account, and report donations and expenditures to the group.

Time requirement – 1+ year


Coffee Queen – 6 month commitment

Definition of duties – The coffee queen will make sure coffee is supplied and made. If there is no coffee they will inform the treasurer.

Time requirement – 3 months


Chair Person – 1 month commitment

Definition of duties – Chairing the weekly meeting and opening it up. Chairs keep the flow of the meeting going for both time and appropriateness.

Time requirements – 1 year  - Click HERE for chairperson guidelines.

Speakers - Last Friday of the Month

Time requirement - 1 year or more.

Should be home group member if possible. 

Speaker Seeker - 1 year commitment

Definition of duties - Speaker Seeker finds speakers for our speaker meetings. Speakers should be home group members if possible. Speaker Seeker explains our group's principles and reminds them we're an agnostic meeting. We also focus on newcomers and visitors.

Time requirement - 1 year or more.




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